Dear Parents/Carers


We are excited to be able to invite you to a Graduation Ceremony to celebrate your child finishing Foundation Stage 1 and moving up to our Reception Class.


The ceremonies will take place in the school hall on

Thursday 4th July.

Please enter school via the main entrance


Morning session Children – Parents to arrive for 9.30am

Afternoon session Children – Parents to arrive for 2.30pm


If your child attends full time, please let us know below which time you would like to attend.


We hope you can make it to see your child receive their graduation certificate and celebrate all the learning they have done since they joined us in Foundation Stage 1. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support you have given us and your child during their time in Foundation Stage 1. The children have worked so hard, and we are very proud of them. 


Yours sincerely,

The Foundation Stage Team.